Most of the IT companies nowadays opt and work in an AGILE Environment, where the development process changes according to dynamic changes felt in the needs and requirements of the customers.
Due to this dynamic need to adapt to the ever-changing needs the development process has to be equally vigilant and careful regarding the coding that has been done in this AGILE environment. As new demands come up from the client side the developers must strive to meet the expected change in the functional and technical aspects of the application. This preoccupation with the developmental fine- tuning, sometimes neglects and ignore a very critical aspect of the application.
This critical aspect is full end to end security for the app, which may be compromised in the fast effort to generate the deliverables for the deadlines for the apps. These coding loopholes pose serious risk for the data and functional security for the app. Some of the common reasons for this arising are :
To combat the growing threats of Cyberthreats, companies in the mobile app development domain have to realize the value of Security pertaining to their app and invest and utilize best security practices in order to protect their app’s data integrity, Functionality & more importantly their own reputation & to protect their users and their information.