Did you know your Whatsapp account can be hacked with a single video call

On November 19, 2019

Coming just months after the world found out that hackers can gain access to a user’s phone through a simple phone call. Whatsapp just finalized their findings & is now suing Israeli Company NSO for enabling the said hacking technique. The company has finally announced that it is suing NSO, an Israeli company.


It is reported that NSO , a Israeli company that is reportedly behind the practice of allowing sophisticated hackers or government officials to gain access to a WhatsApp user’s phone simply by making a video call.

With CyberBreaches increasing by 400 percent. Android platforms are highly susceptible to cyber security attacks & when your PERSONAL DATA is purchasable WITHIN THE RANGE OF $0.20 TO $15.00

It is more than ever necessary for everyone right from the Top Businesses, Government, Financial institution right down to the individual to make sure he is always utilizing all of the vailable security measure available to him in all of their digital work & interactions.

We at Infopercept believe in the adage that “prevention is always better than the cure” and that it is always better for anyone not just be reactionary and wait for a cybersecurity attack or breach to occur and cost them tremendously in terms of Business Operations/ Functions downtime, Brand reputation, Loss of Business critical information as well as other risks associated with a SOS situation which is difficult to manage and more burdening on the budget for the organization.

An alterantive of this is to adapt & PROACTIVELY implement Cybersecurity SOS standing for

  • SECURE – Securing your Business with installing solutions relevant for the size & scope of the business
  • OPTIMIZE – Properly Implement, integrate & configure your existing Security assets to provide you the recommended ROI on your investment.
  • STRENGTHEN – Utilizing the Power of AI and automation to further harden your security infrastructure.

This will ensure your critical Business Operations and IP is under constant protection while you can better focus on the core aspects of your business.



