GhostTouch Hackers can reach your phone's touchscreen without even touching it


The use of electromagnetic interference to cause arbitrary behaviour on mobile touchscreens has been demonstrated in new research, however there are some restrictions. Some smartphone attacks necessitate gaining physical access to the target device and interacting with the touchscreen. Therefore, as long as nobody touches your phone, it is essentially safe. False, as per a recent study by security experts at Zhejiang University in China and the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany.

The article (PDF) introduces GhostTouch, a sort of assault that may operate taps and swipes on the phone’s screen from a distance of up to 40 millimetres, which will be presented at the Usenix Security Symposium in July. The researchers’ findings indicate that an attacker can utilise GhostTouch to commit a variety of nefarious acts, such as making calls and downloading malware. Read More…