How to Augment Your Password Security with EASM


An EASM solution begins by identifying and cataloging all publicly accessible digital assets of an organization, including both known and unknown assets. Following this, the EASM tool scans these assets for vulnerabilities, scrutinizing configurations and identifying potential security risks. It then prioritizes these vulnerabilities based on their severity and the specific context of the organization, helping IT teams to address the most critical issues first. Finally, EASM provides actionable recommendations for mitigating or correcting these vulnerabilities. This continuous monitoring and real-time feedback mechanism helps IT professionals maintain a secure and robust public-facing digital infrastructure. An IT admin might consider adding an EASM solution to improve their password security strategy for a few reasons. EASM can proactively monitor for leaked credentials, detect compromised accounts, and provide real-time alerts and notifications. This capability aids in investigating the source of breaches, understanding the context of leaked credentials, and identifying risky users who may need additional training. Additionally, EASM assigns risk scores to leaked credentials, enabling the organization to prioritize its response and focus on addressing the most critical leaks first. This comprehensive approach helps mitigate the risks associated with credential leaks and strengthens your overall cybersecurity defenses in several ways.

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